Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Language and Art in the Navajo Universe

"Language and Art in the Navajo Universe" is a book by anthropologist, Gary Witherspoon, who attempts to portray a collective account of the Navajo worldview; a group he married into and lived with for over 15 years. His account of the Navajo conception of reality is supported by examples of language structure, art, philosophy, mythology, and prayer.


"Earth's feet have become my feet
by means of these I shall live on.
Earth's legs have become my legs
by means of these I shall live on.
Earth's body has become my body
by means of this I shall live on.
Earth's mind has become my mind
by means of this I shall live on.
Earth's voice has become my voice
by means of this I shall live on.
Earth's headplume has become my headplume
by means of this I shall live on.
The cord-like extension from the top of its head
is cord-like from the top of my head
as by means of this I shall live on.
There are mountains encircling it and
Hozhq extends up their slopes,
by means of these it will be hozhq as I shall live on.

Sa'ah Naaghaii Bik'eh Hozhq I shall be,
Before me it will be hozhq as I live on,
Behind me it will be hozhq as I live on,
Below me it will be hozhq as I live on,
Above me it will be hozhq as I live on.

Hozhq has been restored.
Hozhq has been restored.
Hozhq has been restored.
Hozhq has been restored." (26)

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